
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Sadaf Qamar

Pluck rose petals dry them and grind them. Now add some drops of lemon juice in creamed milk and also add dried rose powder in it. Layer your face with this mixture for 20 minutes and wash your face with fresh water.

In the last days in a seminar conducted in America it was disclosed that using of Vitamin C cream protects the skin from wrinkles. Recognizing this fact a cream was produced in America in the form of jelly which included 10 percent Ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid’s relation is with a kind of vitamin C which is also found in oranges, mandarins and lemons. According to experiments by using this cream regularly for 8 months continuously caused many women to get rid of their wrinkles. According to experts this cream absorbs into the skin and increases the production of collagen under the skin. With increasing age the production of this vitamin reduces due to which signs of old age start to appear on the skin in the form of wrinkles. According to experts using this vitamin prevents the appearing of the mentioned effects and its massage also proves to be useful for the skin. According to the report of the seminar the relation of the appearing of wrinkles is linked to insufficient amounts of vitamins C and ascorbic acid. This vitamin and acid can be obtained from our daily use products. Experts have clarified such ways to use these daily products on the skin which will help get rid of wrinkles and the give the face a new shine and glow. We will talk about them in the next lines, but first let’s talk about the actions which cause wrinkles to appear on your face and make your moon like face stained. The basic reason due to which wrinkles appear the reduction of an element named “collagen” under the skin which decreases as the age increases. This is a natural process which takes place in the hormones of the skin. Except this there are also processes which are related to our daily life, the top of the list from them is the usage of poor quality food, these are such foods which do not contain important elements, especially those dietary elements through which the skin looks fresh. Moreover, the unpleasant effects of the sunshine and air also cause wrinkles to appear. According to skin experts, also due to many of our habits cause wrinkles to appear on our face. Included in these habits are, to overpower someone by wrinkling the forehead or raising the eyebrows which causes the forehead to get wrinkled. Also while doubting or agreeing to something in a funny mood to express that feeling in the form of a confused face, holding your chin while sitting which cause wrinkles to appear on one cheek, as well as making faces. Apart from these pressure, worries and anger are also included in the causes of wrinkles. According to experts due to cigarette smoking usually wrinkles form in the eye sockets. Apart from these, if the performance of the liver is not satisfying and the egestion system is not efficient this also paves a way for wrinkles on the face. Together with this, reduction in the movement of the inner sciatic nerve due to which fat loss, ditches in the cheek and flexibility, also causes wrinkles. According to a report published in the international magazine (Weekend), after the age of 30 wrinkles start appearing on women’s faces, whose major reason is the dryness of the skin and less intake of water in women. It was told in this report that to prevent wrinkles on the body women should at least drink 1 and half litre in a day, apart from this in this report it has been advised about diet in the winters along with Vitamin C, foods containing high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin D should be used together with milk and honey. Below are listed the ways to use natural products which will get you rid of wrinkles.

1)      Take 2 table spoons each of Peanut oil, sunflower oil, rose water, and take 4 drops of sandalwood oil. Then mix all of them equally and store the mixture in a bottle, and massage your face daily with this mixture for 15-20 minutes and use a soap containing glycerin to wash your face with.

2)      Pluck some rose petals, dry them, and grind them. Now add a few drops of lemon juice in creamed milk and also add some dried rose powder in it. Layer your face with this mixture for 20 minutes and wash your face with fresh water afterwards. Apart from this, the rose powder can also be mixed into cucumber juice and can be used to layer the face.

3)      Take almond oil, olive oil, pure honey according to need and mix the three things and apply the face mask of this mixture 2 days in a week. The direction to apply this mask is that apply this mixture on the face for 15 – 20 minutes and then the face should be washed with warm water.

To get rid of wrinkles on hands and to slow down this process the below technique has been found to be very useful.

4)      Take half kilo barley, 1 spoon rose extract, 1 spoon of pure glycerin, 1 liter of hot water, 1 tea spoon of ammonia house hold, 1 table spoon of lemon juice and 1 tea spoon of almond oil. Soak the barley in water overnight and sieve it in the morning. Now add all the other things in this water and store it in a glass bottle and daily before sleeping massage this lotion properly on hands.

Talking about the wrinkles around the eyes, it has been found out after being completely relaxed and tension free slices of potatoes should be kept on eyes for almost 15 minutes. This process must be done 3 times daily.

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